Commission Mania, Marbles Residency,and a big painting almost almost finished.

Commissions-I'm happy that a lot of people got Norval paintings under the tree this season, it means I've been busy in the studio. Commissioned work ranged from large to small this year and I enjoyed every minute of painting them. Now that I've met the big deadline, I can breath a sigh of relief.

Marbles Residency-
I had the privilage this December of doing a residency at Marbles Kids Museum. I spent two weeks painting and creating with the little ones, and it was a blast. Such creative minds at work! My daughter, Ingrid, also enjoyed helping out at her favorite place to play. From painting wooden boxes, to creating animals out of tape, to painting huge canvases together, we did it all. It was a real highlight of 2011 for me.

LARGE canvas almost done!!

Here's some detail shots from my newest large painting yet to be titled. I wanted to show lots of action and bright colors. It's part of my quilted grid series.

A small grouping that's up right now in the studio, on top a board meeting, below a commissioned painting for a couple flanked by Nugget and Square dog.
Everyone have a happy new year! 2012- the year for art!!!

Animal heads of summer

A sketch can happen anywhere, in my sketchbook or sometimes on a random scrap of paper. It's a great way to loosen up and get some ideas down quickly.
This is a painting I'm working on now. After playing with my images in my sketchbook and drawing a few different compositions, I can decide on what will make a good painting. I had a lot of fun this past week teaching my big animal sculpture class at Artspace. The kids I was working with were very creative and stayed focused. The results were astounding! Thanks to my helpers, Rebecca and Beth.
I made this elephant several years ago as a demo for the big animal sculpture class. This year he got a makeover.
This is the bunny head that was my demo for the class this year.