Summertime Sizzles - W.I.P.

The beginnings of a new pig painting in the "Entitlement Series". 

Woking title - Big Grab/Power Grab. Pig as oligarch...... 

Ye Olde Squirrel - in progress
 I'm using looser brushwork to describe this squirrel's frenzied attitude. This squirrel is ready to chew through some patio furniture.
Sun Rhino - catching the rays.  This pretty much sums up summer to me.  This painting is still in progress, but just a few more details are needed.    

Large grid painting about 70% completed...
This is for my upcoming show in Rocky Mount in Sept.
Although still pretty large, this one is smaller than the HUGE 144 square 6 x 6 ft painting I just finished for the same show. Also the grid has larger squares in this one.  The guinea fowl represents my time in Africa.  Guinea fowl are so fun to watch- though not the most intelligent animals, they sure have personality. 

Painting tower of Pisa

When I am working on several small animal paintings, I like to stack them on the easel.  All the colors on my palette at the time will end up on each painting so they harmonize.  

My young student had the great idea of creating a ninja elephant character.  I made one too.

Business Rhino feeling very frazzled.

Slug is peaceful.

New paintings waiting to be finished!

An interesting pair together.

Hard working artist hard at work.

This grid painting is for my show in Artspace's lobby in April. This Saturday it went through a few compositional changes . A cow had broken through the grid, but I restored order by bringing the grid back. Sorry cow!The commission I'm working on- tidying up the house a bit, I mixed a new awesome yellow. I'm mainly trying to get the cat right now, his face is smiling in this picture but ultimately he'll have a more serious expression.