Painting tower of Pisa

When I am working on several small animal paintings, I like to stack them on the easel.  All the colors on my palette at the time will end up on each painting so they harmonize.  

My young student had the great idea of creating a ninja elephant character.  I made one too.

Business Rhino feeling very frazzled.

Slug is peaceful.

New paintings waiting to be finished!

An interesting pair together.

What's for dinner?

Here I have introduced my new owl painting into the pack. It looks like he's being accepted by the alpha. Monkey boardroom meeting enjoys sharing a wall with the rabbit tv. Bug and slug, though yet unfinished, hold their own with the big boys.

My craziest squirrel painting yet.
Almost done and wondering about their place in the pack.

Little paintings are kept separate from the bigger ones while still in progress for their own safety.

LA- here we come!

New painting in the works- Donald Trunk. Thanks Lee!
The pile of paint thickens on the palette.........
New small paintings in the works.
Give me my coffee!!!!!!!
Thanks to mega fan Nick Smith. He just bought both paintings- Don't Squeal McNeil, and Wrong on Math Test. I've shipped them to him in LA. Bye paintings- enjoy your new life on the west coast!!