Commission in progress

I've been working on a commission- a house/cat portrait combo.  At this stage in the painting, I have the framework of the house and yard completed.  I am concentrating on the details that will give this painting its personality.  I recently added the mockingbirds, squirrel and ladybug.  There is a lot of commotion going on around the cat, who remains stoic.  

Hard working artist hard at work.

This grid painting is for my show in Artspace's lobby in April. This Saturday it went through a few compositional changes . A cow had broken through the grid, but I restored order by bringing the grid back. Sorry cow!The commission I'm working on- tidying up the house a bit, I mixed a new awesome yellow. I'm mainly trying to get the cat right now, his face is smiling in this picture but ultimately he'll have a more serious expression.

Let 'em work, let 'em live.

This is a new commission I'm working on. It's a combo house/ pet portrait featuring a historic bungalow. I love the rythym and symmetry in the proportions of historic architecture. They create an innate balance in the composition of the painting. The geometric shapes are a framework for more abstract color brushwork.
Here are some small ones in progress. Tigerfish is a brand new character.
Gerbil on TV, a dog with wavy ears, business elephant, ladybug, piranha and rhinos. Not random at all....
Snail cat ladybug. Owl Flying Pig Dog. Painting stack.
And another painting stack.
Wide angle.